The Irish Tenors - Ellis Island
Currency: SGD
Anthony Kearns , Ronan Tynan , Finbar Wright
In many ways, Ellis Island is a symbol of the hopes, aspirations, and determination of the people from all over the world who came to a new land and helped build a great nation. The music on this CD and accompanying concert DVD is a celebration of their courage. The ELLIS ISLAND concert was performed by the magnificent Irish Tenors on March 6th 2001, in a packed Registry Room on Ellis Island itself.
A captivated group of supporters savored a unique and emotionally charged performed, hosted by Martin Sheen.
Track List
01. Isle Of Hope, Isle Of Tears - Anthony/Finbar/Ronan
02. My Wild Irish Rose - Ronan
03. Love Thee Dearest - Anthony
04. Forty Shades Of Green - Finbar
05. The Courtin' Medley - Anthony/Finbar/Ronan
A. Courtin, In The Kitchen
B. The Stone Outside Dan Murphy's Door
C. I'll Tell My Ma
06. Macushla - Anthony
07. Slievenamon - Finbar
08. The Green Fields Of France - Ronan
09. The Irish Medley - Anthony/Finbar/Ronan
A. Trasna Na Dtonnta (Over The Waves)
B. Oro Se Do Bheatha Bhaile (Long Life To You On Your Home Coming)
C. An Poc Ar Buile (The Mad Goat)
10. The Rose Of Tralee - Anthony/Finbar/Ronan
11. He Old Bog Road - Finbar
12. How Are Things In Glocca Morra - Ronan
13. The Croppy Boy - Anthony
14. A Nation Once Again - Anthony/Finbar/Ronan
15. Let There Be Peace - Anthony/Finbar/Ronan
16. Danny Boy - Anthony/Finbar/Ronan
17. God Bless America
01. The Harp That Once
02. Isle Of Hope, Isle Of Tears
03. How Are Things In Glocca Morra
04. Forty Shades Of Green
05. Macushla
06. The Irish Medley
07. The Courtin' Medley
08. The Green Fields Of France
09. Danny Boy
10. Love Thee Dearest
11. My Wild Irish Rose
12. The Old Bog Road
13. The Rose Of Tralee
14. Slievenamon
15. The Croppy Boy
16. Nearer My God To Thee
17. A Nation Once Again
18. Let There Be Peace
19. God Bless America