CD Baby Love Lullaby Vol.2
Currency: SGD
A meticulous selection of lullabies to serenade both you and your baby!
Track List
01. Moon And Me - Bill Harley
02. Up They Get To My Sunset - Banana Slug String Band
03. Oh Dear What Can The Matter Be - Sharon, Lois & Bram
04. Good Night Moon - Parachute Express
05. Teagan's Lullaby - Fred Penner
06. Little Fishies - Al Simmons
07. All The World's Asleep - Cathy Bollinger
08. Don't Be Afraid - Fred Penner
09. Sleep Lullaby - Robert Davis
10. Island Dreams - Jake
11. Fais Do Do/Rock-A-Bye Baby - Sharon, Lois & Bram
12. Return To Me In The Morning - Banana Slug String Band
13. Little Child's Lullaby - Dave Rudolf
14. This Little Island - Banana Slug String Band
15. Star Light, Star Bright / Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star - Sharon, Lois & Bram
01. Walk In The Woods - Jamie Barnett
02. Old McDonald - Kevin Roth
03. Mother Goose Rhythm & Rhyme - Barb Tilsen
04. Hickory Dickory Dock / There's A Clock - Cathy Bollinger
05. London Bridge Is Fallling Down - Barbara Morrison
06. Bingo - Russ
07. Rain Songs - Sharon, Lois & Bram
08. Itsy Bitsy Spider - Kymberly Evans
09. Terence McDidder / 3 Little Fishes / Ishin - Sharon, Lois & Bram
10. Humpty Dumpty - Dave Rudolf
11. The Muffin Man - Cathy Billinger
12. Down By The Bay - Russ
13. Kitchen Elf - Graham Walker
14. Doctor Tinker Tinker - Sharon, Lois & Bram
15. Old Lady - Dave Rurolf
16. Fiddle-I-Fee - Dog on Fleas
17. Little Rabbit Foo-Foo - Sharon, Lois & Bram
18. Three Blind Mice - Kymberly Evans
19. Twinkle Medley - Jamie Barnett
20. Mary Had A Little Lamb - Cengiz Yaltkaya
21. Over The River & Through The Wood - Dog On Fleas
22. Mother Goose Lullaby - Dave Rudolf